As soon as I heard about this book, I immediately added it to my TBR. This book will stick with me for a while — I loved every minute of it and I can’t wait to pick more books by Jessica Joyce in the future.
10 Books I Hope to Read in Fall 2023
A new season is almost here and it’s the best time to curl up with brand new books. Here are ten books I hope to read in Fall 2023! It’s hard to believe that the fall season is here. While it’s one of my favourite seasons, I can’t believe that we’re so close to the end of the year.
The Love Plot by Samantha Young
While I’ve only read one of Samantha Young’s books before, I was really interested in picking up her newest release. It’s a fun and enjoyable romance with the grumpy sunshine trope that many will love. The Love Plot follows Star, a professional costume character and line sitter who values her freedom in life. When she’s working as a princess for a little girl’s birthday party, she meets her grumpy uncle and doesn’t expect for him to propose they fake date.
The Best Witch Romance Books You Need to Read
If you’re looking for the best witch romance books to read, then this is the book list for you! There’s nothing better than curling up with a cozy romance book during the fall. While paranormal romance books are a great option for this time of year, witchy romance books are becoming really popular — and for good reason!
The Ultimate Guide to Reading the Percy Jackson Books in Order
There’s nothing better than curling up with one of Rick Riordan’s books. Especially if it’s a book with Percy Jackson! Here you’ll find the ultimate guide to reading the Percy Jackson books in order. With the new Percy Jackson and the Olympians adaptation releasing on Disney Plus, there’s a new generation of readers falling in love with this wonderful series.
House of Sky and Breath by Sarah J Maas
It’s been a while since I picked up House of Earth and Blood. With the final book in the Crescent City releasing early next year, I knew it was time to pick up the sequel and I’m glad I did because I loved it! House of Sky and Breath picks up after the events of House of Earth and Blood. Without any spoilers, the series follows Bryce, a half-human and half-fae, who investigates the murders of her closest friends. Hunt, a Fallen Angel, assists Bryce in the investigation in order to earn his freedom.