The publisher kindly sent me a physical copy of the book in exchange for an honest review. Critically acclaimed author Mia Sosa delivers a sassy, steamy enemies-to-lovers romantic comedy about a woman whose new job requires her to work side-by-side…
10+ Books to Channel Your Inner Mulan
If you’re anything like me and are super excited for the release of Mulan, than you’ll love this list of Mulan books! While I’m a little disappointed that we won’t get to see Mulan up on the big screen, it’s still going to be a great movie! And while we wait patiently for September 4th to arrive, hopefully this list of Mulan books will help fill the void!
11 Fantastic Mulan Books Perfect for Kids
There’s something magical about the world of Disney and the films they make. If you’re a fan of the Mulan movies like me, then you’ll love these Mulan books for kids! Mulan is one of my favourite Disney characters. She’s a strong female lead who uses her bravery and strength to protect her family. Whether you’re a fan of the original animated film or the new live-action movie, there’s no question that Mulan is an incredible character.
Always Never Yours by Emily Wibberley & Austin Siegemund-Broka
It’s no secret that I’m a fan of contemporary romance. But Always Never Yours is one of the best I’ve read in a while. I really, really loved this book! Always Never Yours follows Megan who is cast in her school production of Romeo and Juliet. She ends up helping her friend Owen write a play if he agrees to help her catch the eye of another boy.
WWW Wednesday — August 5, 2020
I haven’t done a WWW Wednesday in a while, but I’m ready to get back into the swing of it! Even though I’ve been at home for months, my reading hasn’t been that great. I’ve been working on my site, which has had so many problems. And with everything going on in the world, it’s been hard to focus on reading.
10 YA Books with Colours in the Title
Happy Tuesday, everyone! Today, I’m sharing a list of 10 great YA books with colours in the title! I’ve been up at my cottage for the past weekend and I’m staying up for the week as well. I’m soaking in the sunshine and all the reading time. Hopefully this list of 10 books with colours in the title will inspire some new reads for you too!